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  • Writer's pictureAllison Kirby

Critical Reflection: Question 3

3. How did your production skills develop throughout this project? Explain research, using different applications, layout and design of your magazine or video.

I used to think making a magazine was very easy and that I just needed to put the information together. However, when doing this project, I learned that it is not. The cover needs to be attention grabbing and portray the magazine as a whole, and the inside needs to be factual and useful while still grabbing a certain audience and keeping them engaged. Through research and experimenting on my product design, I have learned that it can be difficult and that all magazines have different aspects to them. I need to make a more eye catching cover with interesting articles/content throughout. I like a more modern design for my magazine layout and have stuck with it for pretty much the whole thing, but there are still other ways I can improve. My production skills have developed more in my mindset by making me realize how it is not an easy task and I have much respect for those who do this often. My skills to better my magazine are still developing and I will continually get better.

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