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  • Writer's pictureAllison Kirby

Critical Reflection: Question 5

Discuss the ways in which the candidates’(this is you) own experiences of media consumption (how you use, access, and produce) illustrate wider patterns and trends in audience behaviour.

When I was younger, I used to buy and listen to music on a CD. And although that is still an option today, with technological advancements and more digitalization, I began to buy music directly from the iTunes store on my phone so that i would always have it and never lose it. Even more recently, streaming platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, and Soundcloud became popular. This change in the was the audience consumes music, changes how it is released. I began using Spotify (not ad free) a few years ago and noticed that more and more advertisements were about songs and new releases instead of ads for goods like you see on TV. This is because A lot more people are using these platforms and this is now where new artists decide to promote and release their music, in order to gain the most traction and attention from audiences. My own experiences, when consuming music, reflect the larger population of an audience because I go along with what everybody else does within digital media and how they consume it in order to get the most versatile options of music.

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