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  • Writer's pictureAllison Kirby

Mise en Scene 5 Essential Elements

1. Setting: The setting of a scene can reveal a lot about who the person is and how they live as well as their mood and mental state.

2. Decor: Decor is within the setting and the part of the decor that creates the mood is what color it is. The color can have a deeper and more expressive meaning to it to help the scene. Color differences in decor can also help us keep track of what is going on and experience multiple emotions.

3. Lighting: Lighting can help create certain looks or feels to a scene or film in general. Lots of lighting creates fewer shadows and can create more upbeat or romantic films, while less lighting and more contrast can make it more dramatic.

4. Depth of space: Depth of space is the amount of space or depth between things, such as people or objects, in a scene. This helps the audience know what they should focus on and where things are relatively placed. Their placement on the screen can help create contrasts and tensions as well.

5. Costumes and makeup: Costumes and makeup are what put together the image and feelings of a person and can tell you a lot about them. For example, a pale face of makeup can create a sickly, weak, or cold vibe for the character. And what they are wearing/ how they present themselves in the outfit on the screen also tells us a lot.

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