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  • Writer's pictureAllison Kirby

Thoughts: YouTube Video How Social Media Shapes Identity

This Ted Talk began with explaining how social media sets expectations for us and we think about that whenever we post. There are three dominant discourses that are embedded in social media and they include market, play, and sociality. These discourses give us identity on social media and then allow us to make decisions based on those identities. You can also pull on different discourses to create identities that are determined but still have freedom.

I don't believe that social media has influenced me that much. However, there are some things I will admit. When I see people I know post on social media, they get hundreds of likes, and I set the expectation that I, too, will get that many, but it doesn't happen. I also look at people who have a good amount of following on social media and see how perfect their life appears. It makes me want that life even though they don't always post everything going on. It sets an unrealistic standard and can be damaging.

I somewhat agree with the Ted Talk. I think that there are definitely expectations and standards that are set on social media and that some people can fall into one of the dominant discourses. However, I also believe that not everything on social media needs to have the purpose of making a platform. There are options to keep your accounts private so only your friends can see and some people post things that are just there for making them happy and doesn't have to fit into any category rather than wanting to build a following.

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